Mentoring programs

Mentoring programs

Mentoring - your guide in providing support, giving feedback and someone to talk over your business with. Being a small business owner can be quite isolating – take advantage of Helen’s knowledge and experiences, use Helen as a bouncing board to discuss ideas, issues,...

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Think Outside the Box – Innovation

ARE YOU an innovative Business Person?  If you answered NO to this question then you are wrong - Everyone can be innovative. Incorporating innovation into your business can help you save time and money, and give you the competitive advantage to grow and adapt your...

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Working with Staff

What happens if I train staff and they leave? What happens if you don’t train them and they stay? I was recently asked if by allowing all staff to undergo a personality test, would this mean that I would then have to put off, those staff that didn’t have the right...

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Exceptional customer service

“Our words reveal out thoughts. Our manners mirror our self-esteem. Our Actions reflect our character. Our habits predict our future.” William Arthur Ward How true is this? Start with our Vision and Mission statement – this is what we want our business to reveal.    ...

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Never Stop Learning

A Moment in Time: A life without purpose is an early deathJohann Wolfgang Von Goethe Personal Mastery: - learning what is important to you will impact on your self and your business. What you believe about yourself, other people, life and leadership, these all guide...

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