Are Your Habits A Mind Blocker?

May 11, 2018 | Mastering Your Mindset

Who doesn’t have habits…….Good and Bad but what can we learn from habits?

Sometimes it can be your habits that determine your success – or stand in its way.

As we grow older our habits have trained our subconscious mind to only let us see the things that will continue to keep us unsuccessful.

Really think about this – If up until this point in life, the attention has been mainly noticing all the areas where we were NOT successful, and working on that, our subconscious mind thinks THAT’S what we’re most interested in. It’s almost like losing the ability to see opportunities!

By our reactions and thoughts, we have trained our subconscious mind that we aren’t interested in those positive things… they aren’t relevant to us… we can’t take advantage of them. So, our conscious mind becomes blinded to the opportunities, it gathers evidence of even more things that we CAN’T do and ways that we DON’T measure up.

If you can rise above the habits that are blocking you, you can reach the potential you’ve always had.

These 5 self-destructive habits are a good place to begin:

  1. Playing it safe. If you’re on a timid path, you’re probably fearful about the future. But playing it safe will never be as satisfying, or bring the rewards, of taking the risk and going for it. Getting hurt, making mistakes, and having failure are all a part of the process.  It’s the choices you make along the way that make the journey so rich, so don’t rob yourself of that experience.
  2. Letting negativity rule.How many negative people do you have in your life? How many negative thoughts in a day? It’s easy to be surrounded by negativity without even being aware of it. But it can be expensive, as it often comes at the cost of the things you want. Cut out negativity from your life and give that energy back to yourself.
  3. Living in the past.Whether it’s nostalgia for the good old days or an inability to get beyond a damaging history, dwelling in the past keeps you from moving forward. Do whatever it takes to bury the past, so you can come into the now.
  4. Use of Negative Words. Our thoughts lead to our words – our words become our actions.  Often, we don’t realise the negative words that we use.  Identify 2-3 negative words and make an effort to change them into a positive.
  5. Procrastination.You have a choice of how to spend every minute of every day. It’s fine to spend some time thinking and dreaming, but it’s the time you spend getting things done that will move you toward your goals.

As we start living life as a more successful person — and our decisions, emotions, actions, and behaviour are more aligned with successful people – it becomes clear that there have been so many opportunities around us the whole time.

So, the next time you hear yourself having limiting feelings around your own beliefs and abilities


Pause and ask yourself:

Wait a minute – is this really what I think?
Is this really what I feel?
Are these my parents’ opinions or mine?
Do I really believe these thoughts?
Where are they coming from?
Is this feeling moving me towards my goals and dreams?
Can I change that word I keep using?”

Take a moment and decide how you TRULY feel – without accepting the influence of these limiting blocks. And then take action towards your success.

And moving forward, get rid of these thoughts and influences as soon as you notice them. And not let them build up and become insurmountable. It’s much easier to keep the pebbles swept off the path, than to wait until the path has become blocked completely.

Begin today to eliminate the habits that are standing in your way–whether it’s some of these or something else entirely. Then, discover the successful person you are meant to be.

Remember that there is no limit to our SUCCESS! Let it flow!

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