Smart Goals

Sep 11, 2014 | Planning & Focus

Are your goals SMART?

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Realistic and Rewardable
  • Time Based

What are the obstacles stopping YOU from achieving YOUR GOALS?

Follow these 5 basic rules and understand and overcome 3 basic obstacles to enable a better outcome and achievement.


1. Be Specific: What is it that you really want to obtain? Write down the exact outcome that you are trying to achieve.

2. Make It Measurable: Does it have a clear measurable outcome. (loose 9 kgs in 6 weeks). Make sure you can break your Goal down into sections so you can take the necessary steps to achieve each section and not try to take one giant step in the hope of achieving your Goal eg 3 kgs in next two weeks.

3. Be Realistic and make it Achievable: Ensure you aren’t setting your sights too high and that you are being realistic in your Goal choices. There is no point in aiming so high that it is just unrealistic. This comes back to breaking it down into smaller chunks so that you can take necessary steps in achieving your end Goal.

4. Make it Rewardable: In other words at the end of each step give yourself a tick or pat on the back- for achieving that step towards your main Goal. Rewarding yourself this way it will have a huge impact on your endurance for the remainder of the steps to be taken.

5. Give Yourself a Timeline: We of the never, never, never gets done! Be realistic in allocating the time you are giving yourself to achieve your Goal. Once again give each step towards your Goal a set or proposed time that you would like to or for see when it will be achievable. This way, you are cutting your end time into smaller time zones to achieve your final Goal.

There are three types of Obstacles:

1. Personal Obstacles – believe in yourself.

2. Social Obstacles – you can not control everyone’s behaviour but you can create a win/win situations and change your attitude to the people you work with.

3. Environmental Obstacles – see the situation clearly – “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass.. it’s about learning to dance in the rain.”

Basically you are the one giving FEAR a leg to stand on – your mindset.

You can make excuses or you can make it happen but you can’t do both.

Now – Set your Goals and Dare to Dream!

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