Strategic Planning and Business Development Programs
The Strategic Journey PackageThe Strategic Journey Program is a facilitated consulting and coaching package that guides you through the process of analysing, reviewing and developing your business strategies. Through this program you will establish a well-defined strategic and marketing plan over a 4–6 month timeline.
How can this business coaching program help improve my business?
The Strategic Journey Program was created to help you assess your business goals and create a strategy for achieving them.
The tools and templates are easy to use, making it simple to develop a roadmap for your business.
Your business coach can provide guidance and support as you work through the planning process, offering feedback and advice to help you make the most of your opportunities.
The program includes:
- 1:1 access to a business consultant and coach
- Planning tools and templates
- Support research reports where accessible for your industry
- In-person workshops with the team
- Support phone calls and emails
- Draft and revision of documents regularly as developed
With The Strategic Journey package, you can be confident you’ll have all the support, tools and guidance you need for a better strategic planning and business development experience.
The Strategic Journey Program includes

Define and design phase
Helen will lead your through a process for framing your direction – creating focus and building your mindset. This phase is spent on your preparation for success, focusing and checking the reality of business.
What do you think is working and what is not working in your business? Together, we will set the scene and create your future focus; some call this the Strategy Discovery Phase.
We consider what is your blue-sky picture by spending time, one on one, looking at your blue-sky picture. This includes checking in and refocusing your mindset on where you are now and where you want to be.
- 2 x 2 hour discussion and coaching 1:1 sessions
- Phone and email support
- Handouts, tools and templates

Mapping and gathering phase
In this phase, we develop your business map or game plan (that is, your business plan or development project plan). Together, we spend time researching each area of your business with the aim of establishing clear strategies and well defined structures. We will apply “Your Why” to your products, customer services, marketing activities and finance.
- A half-day workshop
- Research and support phone calls
- Templates
- 1:1 coaching and mentoring session
- A half-day of research
- Templates
- Document review

Building your brand and success image phase
In this phase we will review your pricing. your positioning and marketing messages. We assess the platforms used and create ongoing scheduling. Create the marketing plan and schedule.
- A half-day workshop
- Research and phone support
- Templates
- 1:1 coaching and mentoring session
- A half-day of research
- Templates
- Document review

Testing your strength and game plan phase
In this phase we will review your pricing. your positioning and marketing messages. We assess the platforms used and create ongoing scheduling. Create the marketing plan and schedule.
- A half-day workshop
- Research and phone support
- Templates
- 1:1 coaching and mentoring session
- A half-day of research
- Templates
- Document review

Additional Support
We provide ongoing support to help you overcome the blockages and challenges of implementing your new Action Plan for the next 6-12 months.
- 30 minute phone calls each month

Strategic Planning and Business Development Coach – Helen Cowley
Helen Cowley is a Small Business Specialist having worked as a Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Trainer for the last 25 plus years. Helen not only has the experience, she backs that up with continual Professional Development and Qualifications:
- ICF Qualified Coach
- MBA Grad
- Cert Entrep & V Dev
- Grad Cert Mgt (Learning)
- Dip Bus Mgt
- Dip Leadership, Coaching and Mentoring
- Cert IV Retail
- Cert IV Business
- Cert IV Leadership
- Coaching and Mentoring and Coaching for Life & Business
To get started call Small Business Improvement Services’ Helen Cowley on 0418 769 531 and we will schedule time to meet by phone, zoom or in person.
Don't Wait Any Longer. Start Forging A New Path For Your Business Today!