No one starts their business dreaming of owning a job. But often they end up doing exactly that — they become slaves to their business.
Improving your Productivity and Bottom line
Inproving your productivity is all about your systems and the HABITS you have developed within your business over the years of operating. But we often become complacent! This article offers 8 actions you can adopt to get on top of your systems, improving your productivity and your bottom line.
10 Hacks for Simplifying Your Business.
"Complexity is your enemy. Any fool can make something complicated. It is Hard to keep things simple" Richard Branson Preparation v Poor Performance How true this is……Sometimes, we make our businesses so complex that after a few years the complexity...
Does Your Technology Fit Your Business?
Does Your Technology Fit Your Business? Technology is changing rapidly, business IT solutions that were cutting-edge five to 10 years ago seem outdated and clunky today. (Remember the first mobile phones? They were like carrying 2 bricks around!) As a busines s owner...
Transform Your Business to a Higher Level
What is One Thing That Can Transform Your Business to a Higher Level There is no secret to moving yourself and your business to the next level. It only seems like a secret because like all business owners and entrepreneurs you get...
Time For Change
Changing Habits, Changing Outcomes! In my years of business coaching I have had numerous amounts of people come to me and say that they need to change the outcomes of their business. They have no idea where to go or what to do next. I ask them what they have done so...