End of Year Profit Improvement

Jun 7, 2019 | Knowing Your Numbers

Has the end of year been tough for your business? Many small business owners have struggled to reach their financial goals, especially as costs rise and sales become stagnant. If you’re looking to turn things around and boost profits for the next year, focusing on a few key strategies can make all the difference. Let’s explore four essential areas that could help improve your business’s profitability: Increasing turnover, pricing strategies, gross profit margins, and controlling expenses.

Increasing Turnover

End of year

To increase your revenue, you must first focus on selling yourself and your business. 

Before customers will buy from you, they need to believe in the value you provide. Start by crafting a clear story about why your business exists and what value you bring. Understand your target audience—what are their needs, and how can you meet them with your products or services? Always maintain professionalism, which builds trust and encourages repeat customers.

Re-evaluate your marketing strategies. 

If you’ve been using the same approach for years with little success, it may be time to rethink your message. Are you targeting the right audience? Are your customers fully aware of the benefits of what you’re offering? Explore new ways to connect with your ideal customers, and consider diversifying your marketing channels to reach them more effectively.

Pricing and Margins

End of year

One of the most common areas for profit improvement is pricing. 

Many business owners fear raising their prices, but holding back could lead to declining profit margins. If your cost of goods sold (COG) has risen, it’s crucial to review your pricing strategy.

Start by calculating your CPI (Consumer Price Index) adjustments.

 In Australia, the ABS publishes CPI quarterly. If your costs rise, but you don’t adjust prices accordingly, your profit margins shrink. Consider implementing smaller, more frequent price increases rather than large, infrequent hikes. This approach helps your customers adjust more easily to the changes while protecting your profitability.

Gross Profit Margins

Your gross profit margin directly affects your bottom line. 

The lower your margins, the less profit you keep. It’s vital to assess whether you’re selling enough to cover increased costs or whether you need to boost prices to offset those increases. Would raising your prices just enough to maintain your margins have a negligible impact on your customer base? Often, this small adjustment can have a big impact on your bottom line.

Focus on value-based pricing rather than simply competing on price. 

Understand what makes your product or service unique and charge accordingly. Assess competitors and ask yourself: Are they offering something you could incorporate or improve upon? By exploring new products or services, you might also be able to tap into a different market segment.

Controlling Expenses

Expense control is key, particularly when faced with rising costs. 

Many small businesses overlook this, assuming they can’t change fixed expenses like rent or insurance. However, it pays to be proactive. The 3 Supplier Rule works well here—don’t settle for just one provider. Shop around and find the best deals for services like insurance, utilities, or telecommunications.

For variable expenses, set budgets and track your cash flow forecast closely.

 Identify areas where you can cut back without impacting customer satisfaction. Small, consistent savings can add up over time and improve your profit margins significantly.

The end of year profit improvement requires a proactive approach, focusing on turnover, pricing strategies, margins, and expense control. By applying these key strategies and adjusting your mindset, you’ll be better equipped to tackle challenges and position your business for growth in the new year. If you need further guidance, visit Small Business Improvement Services for tailored support to transform your roadblocks into revenue.

Let’s make next year the one where you truly thrive!

Key Takeaway: 

Improving your end of year profits requires a strategic approach that focuses on analysing financial performance, refining pricing strategies, and controlling expenses. By addressing these key areas, you can boost profitability while laying a solid foundation for growth. Small, consistent adjustments can significantly impact your turnover and margins, ensuring you finish the year on a high note.

End of year, it’s also the perfect time to set goals and implement strategies for long-term success. Use the insights gained from your year-end review to prepare for the challenges and opportunities ahead. With a clear plan and a focus on profitability, you’ll be well-positioned to make the most of the new year.

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End of year

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