Review Your Balance Sheet

Aug 15, 2014 | Knowing Your Numbers

Review Your Balance Sheet

Understanding Your Balance Sheet

We are now half way through the year and it is time to Review how you are going by looking at your Balance Sheet. By doing this in fine detail you can learn a lot from the figures.

The first question you may ask yourself is – Do you understand what your Balance Sheet is telling you and are these figures correct? 2 points to look at.

  • Working Capital
  • Amount of Equity you have in your Business

In fact 80% of the balance sheets that I see have not been looked at for a long time, and often are incorrect – if you need any help with this I am just a phone call or email away.

Do You Understand What Your Balance Sheet Is Telling You?????

All the best until next time – Stay on track to your targets.

P.S. You don’t have to respond each month but I would like feedback every now and then as to your improvements and actions and the benefits of this little reminder.

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